We strive towards providing fully responsible and sustainable solutions for all of our stakeholders to secure a better future.
TOP LLC’s Sustainability Policy
Palm oil is a product of global importance, which has unparalleled oil yield per hectare, with plantations providing livelihood for millions of people in tropical farming communities around the world. TOP LLC is convinced that palm oil is and will continue to be a protagonist in the food processing and related industries as the population continues to grow and its lipid consumption increases. TOP LLC is committed to keep supplying Palm Oil in a responsible way, minimizing the environmental impact, preserving the natural resources and the biodiversity of the planting areas.
TOP LLC’s Sustainability Policy has been designed to support and guide our suppliers in a collaborative and transparent manner, applying these principles, and also following the applicable legal policies and requirements of each country.
TOP LLC is a member of RSPO since November 2011. We are highly committed to the Principles and Criteria (P&C’s) for the Sustainable Production of Palm Oil and its associated RSPO certification schemes. In order to remain faithful to this policy we are unifying our social, labor and environmental policies of No deforestation, No planting in Peat soil and No exploitation NDPE.
- Market Palm Oil with 100% traceability, maintaining a level of transparency and traceability through the mapping of the supply chain from the mills.
- No burning, in accordance with RSPO P&C (Article 5.5)
- No development on peat soil regardless of depth.
- Ensure adequate treatment of the pollutant waste generated in their processes.
- No hunting, logging or illegal fishing within plantations.
- Protect areas of high conservation value (HCV) and high carbon stock (HCS – Peat Soils) areas.
- Commitment to continuously improve the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Use of RSPO P&C’s as a guide to HCV implementation.
- Comply with the International Labor Office (ILO) conventions on forced labor and discrimination.
- Comply with the Ten Principles of United Nations (UN) Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
- The hours, salaries and benefits granted to employees meets the legal minimum requirements. Extra labour hours are to be voluntary.
- Compliance with the standards established in the working minimum age ILO’s Convention (C138).
- The working environment is of a safe health standard, including necessary equipment and gear for the safety of all employees in compliance with (PPE); the safety of the environment extends to access to drinkable water. Implement Health Safety Systems in the workplace to identify, control and prevent the risk factors, in anticipation to accidents and diseases.
- Work environment free of discrimination, according to the ILO Convention on Discrimination (C111), which prohibits discrimination in hiring with respect to gender, religion, race, descent, sexual orientation, marital status, age and disability.
- Provision for a workplace free of sexual harassment, violence and abuse.
- Will uphold the rights of workers to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and to unionize.
- Comply with the local laws and rights of native communities.
- Comply with the US Department of Justice’s code of ethics, specifically the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA), which prohibits the offering, promising, authorizing, procuring or receiving of clients, suppliers, public officials, or other business relationships or partners (either directly or through a third party), any pecuniary benefit or other improper benefit. Gifts and entertainment can be offered and received to strengthen business relationships only if they are of modest value.
- Comply with the international standards against bribery and corruption.
- Upholding the code of ethics established by the country of operations, specifically the Anti-Corruption standards, only invitations and promotional items of modest value are accepted to strengthen the relationships, which must be aligned with local policies, laws and business practices, applicable.
- Suppliers should not engage in unfair practices; will not discuss, reach nor perform with competitor’s agreement understandings that are prohibited and have anticompetitive effects or purposes.
- Will respect freedom of indigenous and local people to give or withhold prior and informed consent (FPIC), to all operations on land on which they hold proven legal rights.
TOP LLC will remain committed to help transforming the industry to ensure responsible and sustainable development of the supply chain, minimizing social and environmental impacts for our present and future generations.
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